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Thursday, November 15, 2007


Yackle is a mysterious crone who appears frequently in Elphaba's life and who Elphaba suspects may be exerting control over her fate and be Kumbrica, the ambivalent goddess of Ozian myth. She is first mentioned by Nanny as an old gypsy woman from whom she bought the medicine which would stop Melena's second child being born green. Later, she appears as an old woman guarding the door to the Philosophy Club and later still, she appears as Mother Yackle, a maunt (a sort of Ozian nun) at the mauntery (a unionist nunnery) who takes care of the homeless Elphaba. She is also believed to be one of the reincarnation of the Kumbricia Witch who protects Elphaba as she is the second incarnation.

I feel she should be a very mysterious character, but not a huge role, possibly just an introduced character and then simply a recurring face to make one wonder

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